My aunt relies on a packaging corporation to help her package her baked goods so that they are not only fresh and easy to transport, but the packaging has all the nutritional info and her label and company name on it in a beautiful new design. She started off as a home company, just selling her goods online and packaging care baskets herself for customers. But they got into the right person's hands, who loved her recipe, and wanted to help invest in mass marketing them. Now her goods are in grocery stores everywhere and in that change, she had to find a packaging corporation to help her.The first reason was because she couldn't handle packaging everything on her own, not when orders started to go from a couple dozen to hundreds. But also, she needed the professionalism that only a packaging corporation could give her. She had no idea where to start in designing a brand logo, as artistic talent was not one of her specialties. But having professionals who could work with her and find out what kind of image she wanted to give off was important. They worked closely with her and provided something that she could have never done on her own.
Now she packs with laminated film to keep things fresh and stand up pouches for her mini cookies to keep going, days after being opened. And everything is sent to her so she can package as needed. It's so much more cost effective to do it this way than for her to try to keep up, buying separate packaging on her own.
Making the switch as you go from a smaller business to a larger one is a lot easier than it seems. There's no need to be daunted by a packaging corporation because they have done this plenty of times over for when other businesses started to grow. The first step is contacting and talking directly to someone from the company. Tell them what it is you need and ask them the questions about which packaging is best for the kind of goods you have.
You then have a means to order more packaging immediately, if needed, after the initial new ones are created. Tweaks and changes can be made as you go along as well, which is a lot easier than starting from scratch. It's totally worth making the change when you need the help and the expertise. It worked wonders for my aunt, who would've been drowning in baked goods without the much needed service.
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