Man has been drinking tea for centuries, and even in the western world, where drinking tea came much later, it has still been consumed for hundreds of years. Until now however the health benefits of tea were not the reason why they were consumed. It was just a "pick-me-up" drink, and after the advent of coffee, the number of tea drinkers have gone down.
This is because it is the caffeine in the tea that perks us up, and coffee has much more caffeine in it than does tea. But it is not the caffeine that is good for our bodies. In fact too much caffeine has been associated with the hardening of arteries that are a cause for cardiovascular problems. Tea is good because it has lesser caffeine, just enough for us, while at the same time giving us a huge amount of antioxidants.
All of us who are conscious of our health know about antioxidants. We all know how as a by product of digestion, a number of free radicals keep floating around our body, and how if allowed to remain, they can cause cancer. We also know how it is the antioxidants that we eat that nutralize these free radicals.
The more processed food we eat, the more free radicals in our body, so the more antioxidants we need. Many of us take vitamin c which is a known antioxidant to help here. Some of us even take gingko extract which is a much more powerful antioxidant than is vitamin C.
Tea has more antioxidants than does even gingko. In fact green tea is preferred because it has more antioxidant properties than black tea, and has two times the amount of antioxidants as does gingko. The problem is that drinking green tea is a cultivated taste. There are a number of places in the world where green tea is taken as part of the daily morning and evening ritual, but if you haven't been brought up to it, it does not taste very nice.
Of course you can add sugar and other stuff to sweeten it a little, but then you'll just be loading up on excess calories for nothing. The best option then is to take green tea supplements.
Green tea supplements are a very good idea because they are available both lose and as a capsule. So for those who don't like the taste, they can go for the capsules and all you have to do is swallow a couple of them. And because they are nothing but tea leaves, they are even more powerful than drinking the brew because you are taking in the leaves itself in its powdered form.
You can get a lot more information if you check out green tea tablets.
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